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The Scrapper Repeater

Welcome to the home of the Scrapper Repeater

442.275+ 151.4PL Anderson
147.15+ 151.4PL Anderson

Warning! We're just having fun, if you take stuff too serious this repeater may not be for you buddy!

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Monero (QR): 4AfJF5G21anCcfaP6szruDNoHctii1VooTP9VHAGCWa3g3XHf4cPkXhbctsZKahThxSarTmXR5fs9dgTjWTVeBLjBVU7Bq4

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147.15 Repeater

Output: 147.15
Input: 147.75
PL: 151.4
Allstar: 42145
Echolink: 699227

442.275 Repeater DMR (Future changeover to DMR)

Output: 442.275
Input: 447.275
DMR Color Code: 7